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Adivorce signifies the legal end of a marriage.

Contested Divorce:

Florida law provides for a no-fault divorce and does not recognize at-fault divorces. Generally, parties seeking a divorce can obtain one by alleging that the marriage is irretrievably broken. A contested divorce means that the parties cannot reach an agreement as to either the divorce itself or other decisions that must be made when the marriage is ending, such as child custody and distribution of marital assets and liabilities. It is important to choose an attorney who can help with all issues in your case.

The divorce process is started by filing a petition for dissolution of marriage and serving it on the other party. Whether you are looking to file a new case or have been served by your spouse, we work closely with all our clients to determine their exact needs and desires. A finalized divorce decree with resolve all issues pertaining to the marriage, therefore, it is important to seek the counsel of an attorney to ensure that your legal rights are protected and advocated for.

A divorce has the potential to create a hostile environment for all involved. At Chaban Law Group, P.A., we aim to help ease our client’s fears and burdens. We aim to expediate the process, without sacrificing quality, so that our clients can move on to the next chapter in their lives.

Uncontested Divorce:

An uncontested divorce means that both parties are consenting to the legal end of their marriage. It further means that the parties have come to an agreement on the terms of the divorce, such as the distribution of marital assets, alimony and child-custody. These terms are memorialized in a marital settlement agreement (“MSA”) finalized by the couple, rather than leaving these major financial and personal decisions to be settled by the court.

You may wonder if you need an attorney if your divorce is uncontested, however, the answer is yes. An attorney will look over the MSA to ensure fair and equitable treatment. Additionally, as the MSA is the finalized judgment in an uncontested divorce, it is of upmost importance that the MSA is fully comprehensive as to all potential and foreseeable concerns, free of unintentional errors, and legally enforceable. Errors in an MSA can delay the divorce process.

While the time-frame for a final divorce judgment is case-specific, generally, an uncontested divorce can be reached in less than two months with the help of our attorneys. Divorce can be difficult emotionally on individuals and on family members. Generally, an uncontested divorce is not as challenging as a contested divorce and we can help you with this process so that all parties can move on to a happier period of life. Contact our office today to let us know how we can help you.