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Defective Product  – Chaban Law Group.


When you purchase a product, a manufacturer warrants to a consumer that the product is safe for use. Unfortunately, products created on a large scale sometimes contain defects that may have been unintended. A defective product has the potential to cause great harm to the unexpecting consumer. Fortunately, Florida law provides compensation to injured individuals who have suffered harm due to a defective product. Defective product cases typically concern injuries that have arisen through no fault of the consumer. Florida law recognizes different types of defects that products may contain.

Manufacturing Defect: These types of cases arise when a product does not function as it should. This means that there is not an issue with the actual design of the product, but some error in manufacture, or in the chain of, that caused the product to malfunction.

Design Defect: These cases arise when there is an issue with the actual design of the product. This typically can mean that the product was more dangerous than the ordinary consumer would expect or that the risk of harm that the product posed outweighs it social benefit.

Failure to Warn: These cases can arise when a product is purchased, and it does not bear a warning label to inform the consumer of the danger associated with the product. This type of case can also arise if the warning label was not adequately displayed.


“Defective Products – Chaban Law Group”


“Chaban Law Group”

In order to prevail in a product’s liability case, you must prove that you were using the product as intended and that your injuries arose due to the defect associated with the product. At Chaban Law Group, P.A., our attorneys will review the facts of your case and provide advice tailored to your case. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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